絃外話音 Implication

年份 2014
媒材:leap motion感應器、kinect感應器、processing, maxmsp、七聲道聲響、單頻道投影、新媒體音樂演出
Meterial: leap motion, kinect, processing, maxmsp, 7-channel sound, single-frequency projection, New Media Art Music Performances.
尺寸因場地而異 / Dimension Variable.


     I use leap motion sensor to capture the hand gestures of the performer. We can see the video of the first part, for example: Petals. Their movements are affected by direction and speed of the wind because of the hand gesture. The second part: Texts. We can change the flow of texts by the movement of the hand. The last part is about sound interaction.

表演片段 / Some part of record video: