波動現象 Wave Phenomena

年份 2015
Material: Smart films, Acrylic, Iron pipes, Electronic chips.
尺寸因場地而異 / Dimension Variable.

       當觀眾進入下方的地板,踩踏到指定的位置,上方薄膜透光的範圍會整個 渲染開,而地板上的光會向漣漪一樣散開。

     I designed a site-specific artwork at Bellavita atrium. The light flows through the floating smart film installation. It changes the lights and shadows on the ground.
     When visitors enter the installation, they will trigger the sensor boards under the carpet which are located at specific spots. The see-thru smart films will be turned on and spread like ripple and waves as well as the shadows on the floor.
     People walk under lights and among shadows. Thus renewing our sensation on light and quantum.

影片紀錄 / record video